Sunday, June 26, 2011

History of the World

26 Gasoline Stations
Andrei Markov (chain)
‘One Hundred Years’
The Dymaxion House

Giordano Bruno
The Lightning Field
Mr. Sir
‘A Short Term Effect’

Alan Turing (machine)
‘Neon Lights’ (1978)
Island of Never Anger
Edgard Varese

Rachel Carson
Victory over the Sun
Taliesin West (1954)
Small White Pebble Circles

Carbonated Soft Drinks
Model N°670, 1956
Rosa Parks
Viking I, Viking II

Farnsworth House, Plano, Illinois
Supremus N°58
Nikola Tesla (coil)
‘The Hanging Garden’

International Mobile
‘The Hall of Everlasting Life’
Valentina Tereshkova

Richard Prince
Water Supply & Distribution
A Promise Ring

Swimming Lakes
Konstantin Tsiolkovsky (jet)
St Louis Gateway Arch
Drinking Straw

Red Petals
Niels Bohr (atoms for peace)
‘Magnetic North’

Remote Control
‘Events In Dense Fog’
Ralf Hütter
Kilimanjaro (19,335.6)

Laughter And Forgetting
Carle David Runge (helium)
Sign Language
‘Dunwich Beach, Autumn 1960’

Robert Jarvik (7)
Grey-scale Ultrasound
Greeting Cards

Terrestrial Radar
Jonas Salk (strong children)
Monument To The Last Horse
Tin And Copper

The Texas Pieces
Louis, Mary & Richard Leakey (skull)
Ghost Telephone
Alpine Architecture

Rudolf Schwarzkogler
After Ford (Huxley)
Things That Are Near
Rouen Cathedral, Morning

White-haired Girls
M.L. (the freezing of mercury)
Floating Tetrahedral City

Monogram ‘55
JBJ Fourier (chaleur)
‘Tiny Golden Books’
To Be Close

“History of the World”, a poem by Peter De Potter, 2004. Six stanzas were selected by Raf Simons for prints Spring-Summer 2005.

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