Monday, April 26, 2010


The above trailer is for Autoluminescent, a film about the life and music of the late Rowland S. Howard.

The Cat Piano

The Cat Piano from PRA on Vimeo.

The Cat Piano
is an 8-minute short film by The People’s Republic of Animation, co-directed by Eddie White and Ari Gibson, and produced by Jessica Brentnall. The story is told in the form of a poem written by Eddie White, which is narrated by the always amazing Nick Cave.

Past Eroticism – Sound Poetry in the 1960s

sida A (source: UBUWEB)

sida B (source: UBUWEB)

Paris, Editions Planète, 3e trim. 1966. Plexus N° 4 – “La revue qui décomplexe. La seule revue de l’art magique et érotique, l’Humour littéraire et graphique, la liberté d’esprit”.

Patrik Ervell A/W 2010

A minimal aesthetic amidst a subdued colour palette. Chunky shoes and trim canvas panting: a nod to workwear styling trends. As GQ have put it, “a parallel universe for moody art-school kids with a thing for Joy Division.”

Saturday, April 17, 2010


Thierry Bouët is a French photographer who works in a diverse range of formats spanning artistic photography to commercial portraiture. Deslits is the title of a photographic series and book. In 160 pages of photography and text, the book features a number of known and unknown French people as they sleep in their beds.

"Thierry Bouët is happy in his bed. That’s where much of his inspiration comes from. He wanted to check and see whether his intensely close bond with that particular piece of furniture was an illness. After interviewing people and photographing them in more than 80 beds, he could rest assured: some folks are even sicker than he is."

Malcolm Mclaren


Friday, April 16, 2010


The love that dare not squark its name

Jeff Koons photographed this series of conceptual images at a Manhattan studio for an article on the science of same-sex pairings in animals. No assumptions should be made about the animals’ sexual preferences based on their appearance in this portfolio.

Clogs & Socks

When in doubt for brunch attire, take a cue from this English gentleman—who, incidentally, is also championing the male clog movement—and match your socks to your drink. Naturally he was sipping Bloody Marys.

Via: Dossier Journal

Hanna Lidén

Horst P. Horst

Saturday, April 3, 2010